In 15 years of advancing user-friendly justice, HiiL has identified seven categories of game-changing services that reimagine the way justice is delivered. These justice Gamechangers prioritise people’s needs and experiences and provide justice that is affordable, accessible, and easy to understand.
In an effort to strengthen Gamechangers in each category, HiiL has begun to convene working groups with justice sector experts to identify best practices that can help scale up community services and make them more effective in their respective contexts.

“Community Justice Services hold a significant promise in addressing the most pressing justice issues across geographies and have potential for replication. Scaling this gamechanger requires a detailed set of tools, practices, case studies, network of people as well as know-how that can be documented and disseminated across relevant stakeholders.”
Kanan Dhru, Justice Innovation Researcher at HiiL
On 8 July, the first working group gathered to address Community Justice Services. The working group discussed critical success factors and concrete steps required to make Community Justice Services more effective and successful in increasing access to justice. The next Community Justice Services working group will meet on 12 August where they will identify multiple case studies to help inform best practices for the network.
The Working Group will further validate this important research while creating an opportunity to bring together a ‘task-force’ as articulated in HiiL’s 2021 Trend Report: Delivering Justice, Rigorously. With this approach, we hope to expand knowledge exchange networks and strengthen people-centred justice initiatives aligned with HiiL’s values. We are excited to take one more step towards boosting the global movement of realising SDG16.3 – equal access to justice for all.
HiiL’s ‘Working Groups on Game-changing Services’ feed into our five-pillar approach to realising people-centred justice. Game-changing services also play a critical role in HiiL’s global mission to empower 150 million people to prevent or resolve their most pressing justice problems by 2030. You can learn more about the Gamechanger category Community Justice Services at HiiL’s Justice Dashboard:
Further Reading
- 2021 Trend Report: Delivering Justice, Rigorously
- 2020 HiiL ANNUAL REPORT: 15 Years of supporting people-centred justice