As the world continues to face a huge justice gap, we made good progress in advancing people-centred justice in 2021.

We had conversations about what justice systems could be: a place where conflicts are resolved, where rights can be invoked, frustrations channelled, and violence prevented. Our discussions and work focused on strengthening trust in state institutions and examining new ways of working, of using data to understand the needs of people and the outcomes they need. We discussed justice interventions that really work and how to share best practices. We came together to work on gamechanging delivery models that scale effective justice innovations to as many people as possible. And we met more often with partners and stakeholders committed to creating the enabling environment for the change that is needed.
Altogether, it has been a year of innovation and growth of people-centred justice across HiiL’s programmes. Furthermore, we developed an integrated approach with five core elements for realising people-centred justice. These are 1) the collection of data on the needs and experiences of people, 2) moving to evidence-based practice, 3) supporting gamechanging justice services, 4) creating an enabling environment, and 5) ensuring engagement to strengthen the network. This comprehensive approach serves as the foundation for our work in 2022 thus solidifying people-centred justice in our six programme countries and helping to realise SDG 16.3 – equal access to justice for all!
As part of HiiL’s organisational growth, we realigned our way of working from one that was organised around areas of expertise, to one organised around programmes in countries. In this way, we are able to bring together the different components of people-centred justice working in the places where the difference must be made: at the country level. Various projects have shown that anchoring these in a country framework is the best way to make change happen. The interaction between the five core elements of our people-centred justice programmes in countries makes a difference on the ground.
Learn more about how we worked in 2021!