I see that formal justice systems are accessible and affordable to a very few people. Justice needs of the majority of the people go unattended. I have a great idea to change this status quo. But I am facing trouble in expanding my solution to a large number of people. If my peers have faced similar challenges, can you show me how they overcame them? – Avery, start-up founder
Every day, I see people coming in and out of the justice system, waiting intently for a solution to their problems. As time goes on, I see their hope turn into disappointment as one process after another keeps them circling around the court. I want to simplify and speed up this process. Are there new solutions that I can adopt in my court to change the way things are done? – Taylor, court leader
Does any of that sound like you? If you are passionate about resolving people’s justice problems and want to know new ways of doing it, you have come to the right place. The new Justice Services page brings to you innovative solutions that help in bridging the justice gap. It shows an analysis of 99 of the most successful innovations out of the 110 innovations supported by HilL.*

The Justice Services page
The page shows what works and what does not in delivering solutions at scale through data and stories. It gives an overview of justice services that effectively resolve problems, the technologies deployed by the innovations, types of clients or beneficiaries that the innovations cater to and the relationship of the innovations to the government.
One of the key findings from our analysis is that the majority of the innovations ― 89% of them ― are technology-based. The innovations often take the form of web portals (36%), AI and machine learning (14%) and multilingual chat platforms/mobile apps (13%).
The data on the Justice Services page is visualised in a way that it allows you to explore the data and identify emerging trends in various regions. Innovators use it to shape their own innovations and to become familiar with the ecosystem of justice innovation. We hope that the experiences, both good and bad, of peers can serve as insights and learnings for upcoming innovators.
Game-changing innovations
Based on insights gained from HiiL’s experience of supporting innovations, we show you a glimpse of game-changing innovations that have the potential to attract investment and deliver desirable outcomes to a legion of justice seekers. More information will be added on game-changers in the coming few weeks.
Formal justice system is catching up
Apart from individual entrepreneurs, the formal justice system is also catching up in innovating the way justice is delivered. Courts in several countries have developed new services that are simplifying complex justice processes and delivering justice expeditiously to a diverse group of people.
Court leaders who are seeking new ideas can take inspiration from these examples to make formal justice systems accessible and user-friendly. “Afterall ― the government plays a crucial role in fostering and adopting justice innovations.” – quips Aniket Doegar, co-founder of the startup ‘’Haqdarshak” in India.
We hope to have inspired you to pave the path to justice with new ideas and solutions. The next stop on our journey to justice is Justice Systems. Here, we will discuss ways in which justice can be financed and the regulatory framework can be adapted to support the growth of innovations.
*Since 2011, HiiL’s Justice Accelerator programme has supported 110 innovations from Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America and the MENA region. The programme funds, trains and helps innovators in networking with impact investors, legal tech organisations, justice institutions and academics.
Please note: Since the publication of this blog post, we have updated the personas shown on the Justice Dashboard. As a result, the names and images of the personas mentioned in this blog may differ from those currently featured on the Dashboard. To view the most up-to-date personas, please visit the Justice Dashboard.