Come January and the Forum team at HiiL is abuzz with the preparations for our flagship event ‘The Innovating Justice Forum (IJF)’. The Forum, since 2010, has been an annual meeting ground for justice leaders, innovators, practitioners, academicians and members of the legal fraternity from across the world to come together to discuss ways to make justice more people-centred. This year, however, we are following another exciting approach.

Building on the success of the past years, we have decided to take our Forum to the next level to achieve greater impact. We are working to achieve this by progressing the conversation about people-centred justice through a new collaboration and format with the World Justice Project this year.
We are thrilled to become one of the official partners for the World Justice Forum 2022! This hybrid event will take place from 30 May to 2 June this year in The Hague and online on three intersecting themes: access to justice, anti-corruption and open government, and equal rights and non-discrimination. The Forum will bring together a global network of rule of law actors, including representatives from governments, international organisations, philanthropies, and the private sector working for change at both local and international levels.
Through this partnership, HiiL plays a leading role in a global movement consisting of key partners and organisations working on people-centred justice to achieve a greater impact towards making SDG16.3 a reality. Having joined forces with the global community of partners working on people-centred justice, we are now working to feature HiiL at the World Justice Forum as a builder of national people-centred justice programmes.
Across three days, HiiL will play a key role at the World Justice Forum. On day one, Martin Gramatikov, Director of Measuring Justice at HiiL, will present data from our recently conducted Justice Needs Survey in the USA in an interactive working session along with the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) which maps out the legal problems people in the US face in their everyday lives.
Day two will consist of an exciting mini-plenary session on developing and implementing national people-centred justice programmes. Prior to this mini-plenary, the HiiL Forum team will work with the Programme Directors and members from our country teams to organise a ‘Justice Dialogue’. This will feature stakeholders from our focus countries, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Niger and the Netherlands. The Justice Dialogue will focus on understanding how people-centred justice is being developed and implemented in different countries, the success stories from the ground and will dive deeper into the framework laid out in our latest Policy-Brief, ‘The Promise of People-Centred Justice’. A selection of these stakeholders from the Justice Dialogue will join the World Justice Forum in person (Covid permitting) and will share their vision and work on people-centred justice with the global audience.
On the final day of the World Justice Forum, members of the Justice Leadership Group will participate in a conversation during the Closing Plenary session. The Justice Leaders are an independent group of justice officials who have served at the highest levels in the government and have first hand experience on what it takes to transform justice systems to make them more focused on the realities of people.
Apart from these three events, members from HiiL team will also participate in the selection of the coveted World Justice Challenge and convene regularly with the other partner organisations to develop a stellar collective agenda to further the goal of keeping Sustainable Development Goals on track.
We strongly believe that collaboration and partnerships play a pivotal role in achieving our mission to prevent and resolve justice problems for millions, in a more effective and much faster way, putting people and the outcomes they need at the centre.
As the preparation for our participation at the World Justice Forum starts in full swing, we hope you will continue to follow our journey on social media channels. We are delighted to partner in this exciting agenda and look forward to keeping you updated! The detailed agenda for the World Justice Forum can be found on this link which features Justice Expo, off-site events and also activities at cultural institutions in the Hague.
We hope you will actively take part in this Forum and join us in our exciting journey to achieve people-centred justice.
For more information about the programme details and to register, please visit the Word Justice Forum website.