All the questions you’ve ever wanted to ask us but dared not, are probably answered in the reveal-all annual report!
How are we funded? How do we measure our impact? Who are we accountable to? Who are our clients? What is our reason for existing?
Our theory of change was systematically tested in 2018. The results we produce have been independently found to be relevant to government officials, judges and lawyers, legal aid providers, and advocates for justice sector reforms. The interim-evaluation confirms that both the data on justice needs alone and the national action plans which are based on our data plus evidence of what works effectively motivate and catalyse dialogue on justice sector reforms and evidence-based programming. We invite you to see where these results were most realised in 2018.

But of course, the annual report isn’t a mere show-all we did exercise. We learn from results and improve. For example, we learnt that combining our activities has an even greater impact. Reporting data, involving stakeholders, implementing evidence-based working methods and accelerating innovation contribute to the same theory of change. We also learn to adapt. Our theory of change in 2018 assumes that justice policy-making that is based on justice needs and what works is attractive for stakeholders in the justice sector. From growing experience engaging governments, we see this assumption is not always reflected in how national plans are made. What we find is that real change towards user-friendly justice requires attitudes to shift, established roles to become more responsive, cooperation means to change, a shift in financial planning, in addition to improved legal procedures and regulation. In 2019, we are launching transformation processes that address this bottleneck in our theory of change: We are investing even more in engaging justice leaders and other stakeholders to work towards concrete goals and strategies that will continuously be monitored.
We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about what we do.